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SearchWorks catalog : Stanford Libraries
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SearchWorks articles+ : Stanford Libraries
Direct access to full text Stanford subscribes to the full text, or it's available via open access. How do I access articles? On campus Off campus You’ll need to log in. You can log in now, or when y...
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Select "match any" to find at least one field. (e.g. Title OR Subject) Combine keywords and limits to find specific items. Use quotation marks to search as a phrase. (Word-stemming will still be appl...
Databases in SearchWorks catalog
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Dissertation theses in SearchWorks catalog
Description Summary This dissertation delves into multiple facets of quantum computing and quantum algorithms from the perspective of an applied mathematician or numerical analyst and ...
Databases in SearchWorks catalog
Database topics Summary "... Offer[s] a range of content for the region, providing opportunities for research into issues and events in contemporary Latin American and Caribbean histor...