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School of Thought Advertising - Capabilities — School of Thought
We started as a creative boutique in 2009. Now that’s timing. Soon, we were killing ourselves with our first big client, while the media agency was recycling last year's plan. So we asked the client ...
The Art of Listening — School of Thought
Better Listening Gives You the Competitive Advantage. It Helps Your Personal Relationships, Too.
Digital — School of Thought
When was the last time you clicked on a banner? It’s been a while for us, too. For years, we've been creating some of the most effective digital content our ad-serving partners have ever seen.
Extra Credit #1: Be Yourself — School of Thought
Too often, we go through life concerned with whether or not we’re being authentic. We spend an inordinate amount of time concerned with the public perception of ourselves and our brand. If anythin...
creativity — Oh, do we have thoughts — School of Thought
In marketing (as in baking) there’s always some tried-and-tested recipe that people say works. It comes with the kind of directions that seem too easy to mess up. When it comes down to it, marketing i...
Oh, do we have thoughts — School of Thought
Too often, we go through life concerned with whether or not we’re being authentic. We spend an inordinate amount of time concerned with the public perception of ourselves and our brand. If anything, a...