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South Carolina Commission of Indigent Defense
New User Registration Website registration for membership and member services are available only for attorneys handling current cases. use the link below to register as a new user.New User Registratio...
South Carolina Commission of Indigent Defense
Submit Thank you for your request. An email has been sent to you with a link to a page where you can change your password. Close User Login This system is solely for the use of authorized South Caroli...
South Carolina Commission of Indigent Defense
SCCID Conferences and Events As part of the ongoing mission to ensure the highest quality legal representation and indigent defense services to clients, SCCID's South Carolina Indigent Defense Academy...
South Carolina Commission of Indigent Defense
Enabling Legislation: The Commission and the Office of Indigent Defense were established by Act 164 of 1993, effective July 1, 1993. The Office operates pursuant to §17-3-310, et seq. of the South Ca...
South Carolina Commission of Indigent Defense
The Division of Appellate Defense represents defendants in criminal appeals to the South Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. The Division handles approximately 1,000 appeals each year. The So...
South Carolina Commission of Indigent Defense
The Division of Capital Defenders within SCCID represents indigent defendants in death-penalty trials statewide. This division has successfully reduced the expense of capital litigation, while providi...