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Fresh Produce 6 Days a Week The SBCFMA works diligently to bring the freshest and most nutritious produce our rich, local agricultural land has to offer directly to the public. The markets serve to st...
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Our Story The Santa Barbara Certified Farmer's Market Association (SBCFMA) was established in 1983 as Non-Profit Mutual Benefit Corporation to provide California farmers with direct access to market t...
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Our Markets | Sbcfma
Our Markets The first farmers' market in Santa Barbara was launched on March 24th, 1979 on the Old Santa Barbara Mission Lawn. It was among the first 20 farmers' markets in the State of Cal...
Programs | Sbcfma
Cal-Fresh EBT: Market Match The SBCFMA is proud to be involved with a number of important programs and services. For your convenience, all of our weekly farmers’ markets accept CalFresh EBT, which can...