Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
SASPy — saspy 5.2.3 documentation
What is this?¶ This module provides Python APIs to the SAS system. You can start a SAS session and run analytics from Python through a combination of object-oriented methods or explicit SAS code submi...
Advanced topics — saspy 5.2.3 documentation
Using Batch mode¶ Batch mode is meant to be used when you want to automate your code as Python scripts. In batch mode, any method that would normally display results, returns a Python dictionary inste...
Getting started — saspy 5.2.3 documentation
Submit SAS code directly from Python session¶ The proceeding examples demonstrate commonly used Python methods that are available with this module. If you encounter a situation where you need to submi...
Configuration — saspy 5.2.3 documentation
aka: STDIO over SSH NEW in V3.6.3, you can use this method from a Windows Client to connect to a stand alone SAS install on a remote Linux machine. Before that, it was only supported from a Linux clie...
API Reference — saspy 5.2.3 documentation
Overview The SASsession object is the main object to instantiate and provides access to the rest of the functionality. Most of these parameters will be configured in the configurati...
Contributing new methods — saspy 5.2.3 documentation
Identify the product of the procedure (SAS/STAT, SAS/ETS, SAS Enterprise Miner, etc). Find the corresponding file in saspy,,, etc. Create a set of valid statements. Here ...