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R V College of Engineering
Established in 1963 with three engineering branches namely Civil, Mechanical and Electrical, today RVCE offers 15 Under Graduate Engineering programmes, 14 Master Degree programmes and Doctoral Studie...
R V College of Engineering
R V College of Engineering Approved By AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited By NBA, New Delhi Since 1963 R.V. College of Engineering (RVCE) established in 1963 is one of the earliest self-financing engineeri...
Courses Offered | R V College of Engineering
Approved By AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited By NBA, New Delhi Since 1963
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Library | R V College of Engineering
Library The department of library and information centre was established in the year 1963 currently with three technical staff – library science professionals and five non - technical staff. Library h...
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