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Olympus, Micro Four Thirds, camera review, OM-D, photography, Malaysia photographer, photography tips, shutter therapy, street photography
ROBIN WONG : Minimalism In Street Photography
It is important to carry a small camera when shooting on the street. Smaller cameras will give you a few advantages - you appear less intimidating to the people around you. Whether you want to do cand...
ROBIN WONG : I Finally Got A Full Frame! Canon 5D Classic
Robin Wong 7 Comments I started 2021 with a high energy, and I wanted to explore a lot more outside the world of Micro Four Thirds, now that I am not tied to any particular brand, so I finally decided...
ROBIN WONG : I Finally Purchased Panasonic 15mm F1.7
Robin Wong 6 Comments I found a low priced, great condition Panasonic 15mm F1.7 and I immediately nabbed it. I have been eyeing one for a while, but I could not bring myself to pay for the full price....
ROBIN WONG : Yongnuo 25mm F1.7 Review
LENS SHARPNESS Shooting at wide open F1.7, the Yongnuo 25mm lens is not exactly a stellar performer. The lens is sharp enough, perhaps as good as any kit lenses from Olympus or Panasonic, but not bett...
ROBIN WONG : I QUIT - Leaving Olympus/OMSystem Ambassador Program
Robin Wong 28 Comments After much consideration and with a heavy heart, I have quit my position as the Olympus Visionary. I want to personally announce this here, properly explain my reasons for leavi...