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Economic Engines - Resilient Region - MN
Economic Engines Issue 1 Financing: This issue involves the availability of capital to new and expanding businesses in the region, in today’s credit market, accessing capital can be a challenge for bu...
Land-Use & Sustainability - Resilient Region - MN
What is land use and how does that differ from sustainable land use? A wise man once said, “Land use isn’t rocket science; it’s harder.” According to Wikipedia, (
Local Government - Resilient Region - MN
A deliverable of the Resilient Region project was to provide policy recommendations for Region Five local units of government that align with the plan when revising ordinances, updating comprehensiv...
Transportation & Sustainability - Resilient Region - MN
Transportation The Regional transportation systems seek to ensure that transportation projects are designed to serve the regions' mobility, land use, and economic development needs in a safe manner. O...
Quality of Place - Resilient Region - MN
Quality of Place Each community has their own story. These stories are investments that build upon each community’s unique assets and in turn act as engines to support a way of life that strengthens t...
Housing Industry & Sustainability - Resilient Region - MN
Housing Housing options can be a struggle for many people if they do not know what is available to them and what options they have when making an investment in their housing choices. According to Wik...