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University of Lampung | LPPM-UNILA Institutional Repository (LPPM-UNILA-IR)
Repository that collects, preserves and disseminates in digital format the research output created by University of Lampung faculty, students, and staff community. It enables the Institute community t...
University of Lampung | LPPM-UNILA Institutional Repository (LPPM-UNILA-IR)
Please select a value to browse from the list below.Library of Congress Subject Areas (37357)A General Works (1339)AC Collections. Series. Collected works[3] (1116)AI Indexes (General)[4] (196)AS Acad...
University of Lampung | LPPM-UNILA Institutional Repository (LPPM-UNILA-IR)
Important Information This institutional repository is dedicated to diseminate all UNILA's publications.For all Academic Members of University of Lampung, please send your Journal Articles, Seminar Pr...
University of Lampung | LPPM-UNILA Institutional Repository (LPPM-UNILA-IR)
3276[1] (2)3018[2] (1)2107[3] (1)2024[4] (1)2023[5] (691)2022[6] (3206)2021[7] (4077)2020[8] (4540)2019[9] (4308)2018[10] (3591)2017[11] (2779)2016[12] (1642)2015[13] (979)2014[14] (688)2013[15] (648)...
University of Lampung | LPPM-UNILA Institutional Repository (LPPM-UNILA-IR)
Abstract This article is a literature review. This study aims to critically as well as comprehensively analyze engagement as an independent (X) and dependent (Y) variable. There are 15 articles that w...
University of Lampung | LPPM-UNILA Institutional Repository (LPPM-UNILA-IR)
Please select a value to browse from the list below.University of Lampung (32863)Uncategorized[2] (69)Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) (2215)Prodi Akuntansi[4] (731)Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan[5] (466)...