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Quaker Ranter
A weekly newsletter and blog on Quaker renewal, outreach, beliefs, and testimonies. Stories, videos, and links curated by Martin Kelley.
Visiting new meetings online
A brand new video from QuakerSpeak, “What to Expect at a Hybrid Quaker Meeting for Worship,“ convincingly highlights the benefits of online worship. As
Updating QuakerQuaker
I just sent out a message on QuakerQuaker about retooling it for the modern age: I'm not one to make New Years resolutions most of the time but it seems
Quaker Spring 2022
My friend Peter Blood asked me to get out information on this year's Quaker Spring gathering, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and online, at the end of June: Are
Two Years of the Quaker Ranter and Quaker Blogs
An amazing thing has happened in the last two years: we've got Friends from the corners of Quakerism sharing our similarities and differences, our
As the blog name implies, I am a member of the Religious Society of Friends, known colloquially as Quakers. Many of my blog posts deal with issues of our society and its interactions with t...