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Plantz Africa
Search within the text of all Plant of the Week articles This searches all Plant of the Week articles that have been transferred. To search all the content on the website, use the General Site Search ...
Vegetation of South Africa | PlantZAfrica
What do we mean by vegetation? At its simplest, vegetation can be described as the group of plants forming the plant cover of a geographic area. As humans, we tend to classify things, and so vegetatio...
Plants of the Week | PlantZAfrica
Family: Asphodelaceae Grey aloe is a water-wise garden plant which can be planted in a rockery garden and flower beds to add colour during the winter season. It is a stemless... 18 / 03 / 2024 | Itume...
Euphorbia | PlantZAfrica
Introduction The great charm of the South African euphorbias lies in their varied appeal. They offer something for every taste. A collection may comprise a few selected species or a comprehensive on...
Savanna Biome | PlantZAfrica
The following is an extract of text from Low & Rebelo (1996) for Savanna Biome.The Savanna Biome is the largest Biome in southern Africa, occupying 46% of its area, and over one-third the area of Sout...
Information Library | PlantZAfrica
Information Library The information library is constantly being added to. It contains articles from Veld & Flora, medical monographs and miscellaneous information. All the articles are presented as P...