PyVotons ! | A free voting software
On this website you will find :
L’entreprise PlasticBrain: conception et impression 3D de dispositifs médicaux, conception et développement de logiciel, numérisation de photos.
The PlasticBrain projec...
Documentation | PyVotons !
Development status
PyVotons web version is more or less on standby, waiting for me to get some free time (in short supply…). It is not really usable: GUI is not complete, it needs a coder to install i...
About | PyVotons !
PyVotons! is a free software project to help people explore voting methods beyond what is considered standard in the french political system.
The pyvotons.org website is also used as a
The project | PyVotons !
PyVotons! is a free software to organize polls (online voting system).
It is part of a larger project (Propositions) which aims to bring the tools to work together, elaborate propositions, debate and ...
Downloads | PyVotons !
Source code (web version) – very alpha !
Http Git repository (clone it to get the full source tree) :
All posts | PyVotons ! | A free voting software
You can then use mouse and keys (F2, click and select, and so on)
Why ?
For my new job I wanted to explore the possibility of running C++ code in the browser. I decided to use SFourmi as a testing pro...