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Public Art & Public Space – University of Belgrade / Faculty of Architecture /
how we do it ? PaPs is creative society of students, professors, citizens, and institutions from serbia and beyond. together, we aim to foster a growing community that values Public Art, empowering pe...
PUBLIC ART & PUBLIC SPACE - International interdisciplinary project of artistic design of urban
The topic of international visibility based on the remarkable results achieved on a previous annual project “The City We Need: Open for Art” (2016) realised in cooperation with the Department of Archi...
PUBLIC ART & PUBLIC SPACE - International interdisciplinary project of artistic design of urban
Public Art & Public Space W3C valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Document validates as CSS.
PUBLIC ART & PUBLIC SPACE - International interdisciplinary project of artistic design of urban
Mass wedding / Gallery Public Art & Public Space W3C valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Document validates as CSS.
PUBLIC ART & PUBLIC SPACE - International interdisciplinary project of artistic design of urban
Since PaPs 2003 pointed out the path to the river to citizens of Belgrade - PaPs 2004 aimed to keep them at the riverfront by organizing different events. These events were six sport and nautical even...
PUBLIC ART & PUBLIC SPACE - International interdisciplinary project of artistic design of urban
research of potentials of spatial development and activation of pathways that connect central core of the City of Belgrade with the Sava river