Documentation | psotnic
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
bc command | psotnic
Changing config file
.bc <bot> cfg
[09:35] #pks# bc hub cfg
cfg: nick ptest
cfg: realname Psotnic C++ Edition
cfg: nickappend _-^`|
cfg: ident grusin
cfg: oidentd-config
cfg: handle ...
Compiling | psotnic
The debug target compiles psotnic with extra debugging support. if you start it with the -d option, then it won’t go to background, but instead will print out everything to the terminal.
Global settings | psotnic
A boolean value can be expressed in binary notation (0 and 1) or using the strings ON and OFF. For example:
.set public-away 0
.set public-away OFF
A time value can be expressed as integer (the...
Modules | psotnic
Psotnic, if compiled as dynamic, can load C++ modules. A module is a piece of code that implements some additional features (eg: antispam, antiflood, voicelikeop..) which can be loaded by one...
TODO | psotnic
[x] new module support, port all modules and remove framework (patrick)
[x] rename protect-chmodes to mode-lock and get old protect-chmodes back (patrick)
[x] .mpart should not remove the channel as...