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Popular pages
Processing Foundation — Projects
When Processing was first initiated in 2001, the convergence of software and the arts was not as well-developed as it is today. Over the years, Processing has reached and empowered not…
Processing Foundation — Education
Welcome to the Processing Foundation Education Portal! This page collects free education materials that can be used to teach our software in a variety of classroom settings. Rather than endorse…
Processing Foundation — Fellowships
The Processing Foundation Fellowships support artists, coders, and collectives in visionary projects that conceive a new direction for what Processing as a software and a community can do. Fellowships...
Processing Foundation — Fellowships 2023
Our mission is to promote software literacy within the visual arts, and visual literacy within technology-related fields — and to make these fields accessible to diverse communities.
Processing Foundation — People
Interim Executive Director Saber Khan (he/they) is a Bengali-American educator based in New York City. He is a veteran K12 educator with over 15 years of experience teaching math, science, and comput...
Processing Foundation — The Logic School
Logic School is an online, experimental school for tech workers. Logic School's curriculum reflects the growing momentum around demanding change in the tech industry, and draws from the worlds of…