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Presuppositionalism 101 | Christian Apologetics Methodology
Christian Apologetics Methodology
DEBATE: Apologetics Methodology Presuppositionalism vs Evidentialism Pt. 1 | Presuppositionalism 101
Hello faithful readers and guests, here recently I decided to participate in somewhat of a formal debate with another Calvinist on the subject of Apologetics methodology. I confess to being reluctant ...
2019 | Presuppositionalism 101
10 posts published by calvinist4life in the year 2019
DEBATE: Apologetics Methodology Presuppositionalism vs Evidentialism Pt. 2 | Presuppositionalism 101
This is part 2 of a debate, a continuation from the previous post: HERE Indirect Response to MK Disclaimers Although I have owned the title “Reformed presuppositionalist” for this debate it should be ...
The Ten Commandments by Cornelius Van Til | Presuppositionalism 101
Just added "The Ten Commandments" by Cornelius Van Til to the download page. This writing is an unpublished manuscript originally dated 1933. To optimize use, I added a linked table of contents for ea...
Changes In Barth’s Theology | Presuppositionalism 101
Changes In Barth’s Theology by Cornelius Van Til The Presbyterian Guardian, 1938, Volume 5 During the course of recent years the theology of Karl Barth has undergone considerable change. We naturally...