The Plasma Universe
The Plasma Universe is a term coined by Nobel Laureate Hannes Alfvén to highlight the importance of plasma throughout the Universe. See how much you think you know about cosmic plasma below, and then ...
Plasma classification (types of plasma) | Plasma-Universe.com
Plasmas are described by many characteristics, such as temperature, degree of ionization, and density, the magnitude of which, and approximations of the model describing them, gives rise to plasmas th...
Plasma | Plasma-Universe.com
A plasma (often ionized gas, but see Pseudo-plasma), is a gaseous substance consisting of free charged particles, such as electrons, protons and other ions, that respond very strongly to electromagnet...
What is plasma? | Plasma-Universe.com
What is plasma? We're familiar with solids, liquids and gases, such as solid ice, liquid water and gaseous steam. But heat atoms more, and they 'split' into free ions and electrons: a plasma, e.g., th...
Plasma Universe | Plasma-Universe.com
The Plasma Universe is a model of the Universe in which plasma and its known laboratory properties, plays a more significant role in the Universe than is generally accepted. [1] [2] The Plasma Univers...
Types of Plasmas | Plasma-Universe.com
Plasmas vary according to temperature and density, and have characteristics that scale over many orders of magnitude. Image copyright Contemporary Physics Education Project Introduction 1. What is pla...