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Piranhas Forum
A forum community dedicated to Piranha owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about breeding, health, behavior, housing, care, classifieds, and more!
Fish disease chart (cause and cure) | Piranhas Forum
This has to be one of the most Distressing times for a Piranha keeper, and for the Piranha. One day your sitting there admiring your lovely new Piranha and next minute there little white spots all ove...
Best Plants For A Piranha Tank | Piranhas Forum
So I have recently been adding more and more plants to my aquarium, and I must say I really am liking it. Although for now I am sticking with the toughest ones! Anyway, I think everyone's tanks could ...
Piranha Species Identification | Piranhas Forum
Post DETAILED and CLEAR pictures of your piranha here and get peoples opinion on its correct identification. Please realize that concrete results can not...
Acclimating a new fish | Piranhas Forum
Acclimating Your Piranha: The first thing you'll need to do is turn off your aquarium light, this will calm the fish's soon-to-be tankmates, and they'll be less likely to intimidate the new arrival(i...
What's New | Piranhas Forum
Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Piranha owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about breeding, health, behavior, housing, care, classifieds, and more! ...