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Popular pages
Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih
Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih, ki velja za pravi hram otroške ustvarjalnosti, bo tudi v prihodnji sezoni ponudil širok nabor raznolikih dejavnosti na kulturno-umetniškem in jezikovno-kultur...
Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture Vilharjeva cesta 11, 1000 Ljubljana
About us – Pionirski dom
Pionirski dom is one of the leading institutions in the field of extracurricular activities for children, youth and adults. Over the span of some decades, almost one hundred thousand children and ad...
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Mednarodni Projekti – Pionirski dom
Erasmus+ project of a small partnership, which aims to strengthen the cultural and artistic competences of young people, their mentors and institutions, and which will enable young people to have two ...