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Curriculum Pimlico provides an extensive and responsive range of curriculum offerings across the Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary phases of learning. Junior Secondary at Pimlico focuses on th...
Pimlico Online
Pimlico Online Microsoft Office software All Queensland state school students can download free version of the latest Microsoft Office to their personal home computers and mobile devices. Students wi...
Subjects and programs
Subjects and programs Page Content Below are the current Course Handbooks for 2021. These handbooks outline the subjects offered at Pimlico State High School for the respective year levels. CARE...
Enrolments Feel free to watch all about the Pimlico Experience as we explore our Arts, STEM, Global Education, Industrial Tech & Design and Health & Wellbeing programs. A Pimlico educ...
Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning Page Content Pimlico utilises an evidence-based framework to support high quality teaching and learning across the school. Teachers worked collaboratively to develop a pedagogica...
Student resources
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