Physical Culture Study – The Study of all Things Fitness
The Study of all Things Fitness
2021 - Physical Culture Study
Physical Culture Study
What could be simpler? Just hop on a piece of foam and roll up and down... anyone could do that right? Yes, anyone can but few do. Why? Mainly because it hurts. It's effective b...
2021: The Physical Culture Review - Physical Culture Study
This is now the eighth .... EIGHTH ... year of this blog. While I don't always get the time I need or want to write for this site, it holds such a fond place in my heart. I created this website in 201...
About - Physical Culture Study
According to the Stark Centre, Physical Culture is a term used to describe the various activities people have employed over the centuries to strengthen their bodies, enhance their physiques, increase ...
June, 2021 - Physical Culture Study
Physical Culture Study
Enthusiasm means a wholehearted devotion to an ideal, cause, study, sport, hobby, or pursuit. If you have an enthusiasm, your success in all you undertake will be assured. Too f...
The Ideal Workout by Arthur Jones - Physical Culture Study
In June 1970, Arthur Jones, the father of High Intensity Training, published the 'Ideal Workout' in bodybuilding magazine Muscular Development. In the article, posted below, Jones set out the importan...