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New: Happy Hour is back: Details Become a Club member if you would like to sail aboard an auxiliary sailboat for a weekend, a week, or sail in foreign exotic waters. ...
Sailing Skills Development Course
Sailing Skills Development Course Philadelphia Sailing Club offers a Sailing Skills Development course, a very inexpensive one day program to teach sailing fundamentals to those new to sail...
Exotic Sailing Trips
Extended (exotic) Trips These trips are one, two, or three weeks long and are planned, organized, and run differently from Sail Program trips. We travel to these distant trip destinations v...
Education Program Learn to Sail or Build Your Skills Sailing Fundamentals: A very inexpensive one day program to teach sailing fundamentals to those new to sailing or those who needed a re...
About Us
About Us The Philadelphia Sailing Club (PSC) meets the third Wednesday of every month (except December) at 8:00 p.m. (socializing prior 7-8pm (cash bar)) at: Radnor Valley Countr...
Sail Program
Sailing Sail Program On the water April through October. PSC bareboat charters sailboats for all our trips; we do not use member's boats. For those new to PSC, you will want to be a mem...