Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
⚓ T15307 Robots.txt exempt for browsershots
From my previous testing, it appears that Browsershots itself is very badly configured: It first loads /robots.txt with a generic "Python-urllib" user-agent. This is blocked at the HTTP proxy level on...
Wikimedia Phabricator
Wikimedia Phabricator For general Wikimedia development questions, see Communication instead. To test and experiment with Phabricator, go to instead. ldap/wmf or Loading... Content...
✩ Spin up a basic local Phabricator instance with Docker
the id of the ticket created above ( T1 ) For example, from a new terminal window: curl -d "api.token=YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE" -d "names[0]=T1" | python -m js...
⚓ T231891 Create a Generic List-building tool that can meet and exceed the applications of Pagepile
Moreover pagepiles are static -- which means that they only output at one point, but the options for updating it mean you have to "regenerate" the list as a new output, even if its just an extension o...
⚓ T280597 move phabricator to new hardware generation
mysql privileges have now been granted / fixed. T315713#8388257 We have what we need.. EXCEPT... and this explains a lot why we could never connect to a database from codfw even _regardless_ of the gr...
⚓ T297514 Commons uploads: support Data and Document formats
Description This is an umbrella bug report for a range of high-impact, long-standing bugs which prevent sharing, finding, and collaborating on documents and data. See also @JeanFred's original tracki...