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About | The Princeton Encyclopedia of Self-Determination
Mission Statement Encyclopedia Princetoniensis aims to facilitate both the analysis of self-determination conflicts and the implementation of innovative solutions, targeting academic audiences as well...
Definitions | The Princeton Encyclopedia of Self-Determination
Definitions: provide a common language that can be used as a starting point for discourse among academics and practitioners. Alternative perspectives illuminate disputed or controversial language that...
- Essays | The Princeton Encyclopedia of Self-Determination
Self-Determination | The Princeton Encyclopedia of Self-Determination
Introduction / Definition At its most basic, the principle of self-determination can be defined as a community's right to choose its political destiny. This can include choices regarding the exercise ...
Case Studies | The Princeton Encyclopedia of Self-Determination
Case Studies: present self-determination claims from the 19th century to the present, highlighting leaders, movements, and conflict resolution efforts. Each entry describes the specific strategies for...
Democracy and Democratization | The Princeton Encyclopedia of Self-Determination
Introduction / Definition Needless to say, democracy is an overloaded concept. It is derived from two Greek words ‘demos’ meaning ‘people’ and ‘kratein’ meaning ‘to rule’. Although Abraham Lincoln, th...