On a mission to help renew the American social contract & restore national unity.
Resources - Perrspectives
The Perrspectives Resource Center catalogs a host of news outlets, magazines, publications, organizations and other online tools covering politics, the economy, foreign policy, culture and American so...
The Perrspectives Reading List - Perrspectives
The list below provides some recommended reading about issues of politics, policy, security, culture and society. As you'll see, these are not uniformly center-left in viewpoint; each hopefully presen...
About Perrspectives - Perrspectives
Created by Jon Perr, Perrspectives has a simple though immodest mission: to help renew the American social contract and restore national unity. Facing turbulent economic change and an ascendant conser...
In the News - Perrspectives
Perrspectives articles and content have been mentioned in, linked to and referenced from the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Salon, Slate, Esquire, Vanity Fair, Mother Jones, The H...
Today's Mantra - Perrspectives
Here's a set of quips, quotes, comments and critiques to keep in mind while fighting the power (i.e. the GOP, the conservative threat, forces of darkness, right-wing agents of Satan - that kind of pow...