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Largest & Oldest Produce Market in NC — Perkins Orchard
Pumpkins, Mums, Cider, Apples, Honey, Jams, Jelly, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Plums, Christmas Trees, Wreaths, Deals, Giveaways & More. Produce, Active, Kids, Paint a pumpkin
APPLE INDEX. we have 45 VARIETIES — Perkins Orchard
Match up apples you’ve bought today & learn more about each variety. Some of which you’ve never heard of before!
FOUNDED IN 1970 — Perkins Orchard
Discover how Perkins Orchard came into existence!
The orchard club</p> — Perkins Orchard
Stop by and check it out on your next visit!
The Largest & Oldest Produce Market in Durham,NC — Perkins Orchard
High Quality Produce, Watermelons, Sweet Potatoes, Plums, Tomatoes, Apples, Cider, Honey, Jam, Jelly, Pickled, Peaches, Pumpkins, & So much more! Wholesale Deals Saving money on Produce locally so...
Welcome — Perkins Orchard
Come see why we’ve been in business half a century ! 52nd Season happening now! Since our customers are so awesome we have decided to continue to serve you in the winter months! No offseason for the ...