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Popular pages
PCHE – Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education
Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE)
Cross Registration – PCHE
Cross registration can enrich the education of full-time graduate and undergraduate students of PCHE member institutions by allowing them to take courses at any other PCHE institution. Part-time stude...
Member Schools – PCHE
This is just a short excerpt for the about page.
Collegiate Basic Needs – A Regional Strategy – PCHE
Supporting At-Risk Students – A Pittsburgh Approach As costs for education increase and students continue to be stretched while studying, educational institutions have increasingly focused on retentio...
Initiatives – PCHE
Current Initiatives include the following: Title IX Collaboration The Simon Initiative Retention - A Regional Strategy Workforce Development Cross Registration Diversity & Inclusion Collegiate Basic N...
The Pittsburgh Scholar House – PCHE
The PCHE Board of Directors was approached in 2018 by leaders within the foundation community about an opportunity to bring an innovative two-generation higher education program to the City of Pittsb...