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View Our Products - Paparazzi Accessories by Tanya Hall 951-897-9423
Paparazzi Accessories by Tanya Hall 951-897-9423
DO You Carry Catalogs? - Paparazzi Accessories by Tanya Hall 951-897-9423
No. Each consultant orders their own inventory and Paparazzi is always changing to keep up with the fashion and trend, so there are no catalogs or online shopping available. There is always NEW...
I joined Paparazzi because... - Paparazzi Accessories by Tanya Hall 951-897-9423
I joined Paparazzi because I love to shop! I would spend just as much money on accessories as i did clothing and shoes...I know, crazy huh. It only made sense to join so I could support my...
How Much Does it cost to Join? - Paparazzi Accessories by Tanya Hall 951-897-9423
You can become an independent consultant for $40.00 (no products or supplies included) and be able to start purchasing products as soon as you sign up. However, the best value is to enroll with a...
Paparazzi Accessories by Tanya Hall 951-897-9423 - What Is Paparazzi Accessories?
Paparazzi is a Direct Sales and Party Plan Company, which specializes in affordable, fashionable accessories. We sell earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, hair clips, hippie head bands and head...