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Paola Gervasio - Unibs - DICATAM -
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Paola Gervasio - Unibs - DICATAM -
Thesis title: ``Effective numerical algorithms of direct type for spectral methods'' Advisor: prof. G. Sacchi. Current Academic Position Associate professor of Numerical Analysis at Università degl...
Paola Gervasio - Unibs - DICATAM -
PE1_19 - Control theory and optimization PE1_20 - Application of mathematics in sciences PE1_21 - Application of mathematics in industry and society life Research interests Domain decomposition met...
Paola Gervasio - Unibs - DICATAM -
Finite Elements approximation of 1D elliptic problems. 3a. Galerkin formulation of the discrete problem. The algebraic formulation of the discrete problem. The Cea Lemma. Estimate of the continuity a...
Paola Gervasio - Unibs - DICATAM -
A. Quarteroni, F. Saleri, P. Gervasio. Calcolo Scientifico. Esercizi e problemi risolti con MATLAB e Octave. 6a Edizione., 2017, XX, 523 p. Springer. ISBN: 978-88-470-3952-0 Springer web-page, e...
- Paola Gervasio - Unibs - DICATAM -