ornament & crime
ornament & crime : polymorphic CV generator.
ornament & crime
Ornaments & Crimes is free, open-source software (firmware) for the Ornament + Crime module. The licenses under which the software is released permit anyone to freely install and use the firmware on c...
ornament & crime
Five tracks all making use of different aspects of some of the apps in o_C (the clues about which are in the titles of each track).
ornament & crime
precision CV outputs, 16-bit (TI DAC8565).
output range: -3v/+6v, “in-the-loop” compensated, for proper DC accuracy (+ 9 calibration points per channel, settable in firmware); +/- 0.2mV error acro...
ornament & crime
NB: versions
prior to 2e:
1) with the exception of the four 75k resistors (which go where it says 49k9), and the four 560p caps (which should go where it says 10n), you can follow the values printed ...
ornament & crime
Population Counts - Demonstration of fractal integer sequences as a note source in the Ornament & Crime CopierMaschine app in v1.2 of the firmware (forthcoming).
Dress sequence - demo of a new sequenc...