GAIA : About Us
About Us
GAIA is a worldwide alliance of more than 650 grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in over 90
countries whose ultimate vision is a just, toxic-free world withou...
Reducción de la producciónde plásticos: El imperativo climático
Antes de la cuarta ronda de negociaciones de las Naciones Unidas para un tratado globa...
GAIA : Incinerators
The use of incinerators has many incredibly negative environmental, social and health consequences. From polluting our air, land and water to harming our economies, warming the climate, violating the ...
GAIA : Consumption
Our current consumption habits are fueling a global waste crisis. We simply cannot run a one-way, linear system of extraction-production-distribution-consumption-disposal indefinitely on a finite plan...
GAIA : Landfills
As the largest human-created source of potent methane gas in the world, landfills are a significant contributor to climate change. Their use also pollutes our air, land, and water, and fuels an unsust...