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About Us - Niagara Automation
Niagara Automation is a pioneer in manufacturing Automatic water Pump Controller, Automatic water level Controller for Irrigation, Domestic & Textile Automation
Domestic Automation - Niagara Automations
Niagara Automations is the manufacturer of Domestic Automation Products like automatic water level controllers for domestic purpose and street light controllers
Domestic Automation - Niagara Automation
Niagara Automation is a pioneer in manufacturing Automatic water Pump Controller, Automatic water level Controller for Irrigation, Domestic & Textile AutomationWater Level Controllers
Agricultural Automation - Sensors - Niagara Automations.
Niagara Automations is a leading Manufacturer of Sensors, Drip pressure Sensor, wireless moisture sensor, magnetic sensor, float switch, in Coimbatore.
Drip Irrigation-Drip Irrigation System, Niagara Automations
Niagara Automations offers irrigation solutions for a sustainable agriculture. We are the first in India to introduce GSM-based Pump Starter and Controller.
Contact us - Niagara Automation
Contact us Athipalayam, Coimbatore - 641 110 Please fill out this field. Please fill out this field. Please fill out this field. Please fill out this field. Please fill out this field. Location