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NextEngine 3D Laser Scanner
New Multi-Laser Scanning Technology + full color surface. $2995. Exports OBJ, STL, VRML + more. Tech specs, demo, scan gallery, online store.
NextEngine 3D Laser Scanner
High Fidelity. Low Price. NextEngine delivers an unprecedented combination of power and affordability. At 0.005 inch accuracy, it rivals systems costing 10 times the price. It's not a cheaper 3D Scann...
NextEngine 3D Laser Scanner
Small Footprint. Big Power. To stay on your desk, it has to be small. Really small. It is. Incredibly, the scanner's footprint is no large than an envelope. Yet in that compact package sits all the po...
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3D Scanner Comparison
3D Scanner Comparison: Review 3D Scanner Results & Prices
NextEngine Industries: CAD, CAM, CGI, Art, Science, Medicine, Education
The NextEngine 3D Scanner is accelerating product design, manufacturing, special effects, art, architecture, medicine, and research at leading companies and schools.