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The Rockefeller University » News
Seek magazine Fall 2019 Rockefeller’s flagship publication is interested not just in scientific results, but in the people, ideas, and conversations that ignite discovery. The latest issue takes a loo...
2008 | Newswire
Certain mean strains of bacteria inject virulent teams of molecules into cells that prepare the way for bacteria to invade the cells and reproduce, spreading disease. Different types of these molecule...
1998 | Newswire
Scientists have identified five slightly different versions of the mu opioid receptor gene that alter the activity of a molecule called b-endorphin, a member of the endorphin family of proteins that c...
2010 | Newswire
The discovery of a new class of dendritic cells that stem from blood monocytes in mice promises to accelerate research into clinical therapies that use these cells, known to be the sentinels of the im...