Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
New look for Cornerstone | UAF news and information
Changes are underway for Cornerstone and UAF’s news and information website, including a new look for the Cornerstone newsletter for faculty and staff.
UAF now using Blackboard and Canvas | UAF news and information
UAF is currently adopting Canvas. Starting fall 2021, more and more of your UAF courses will use Canvas instead of Blackboard.
Online course evaluations are open | UAF news and information
For the second semester, almost all UAF courses will use the recently introduced online course evaluation system, Blue. An evaluation period opened April 18 for courses ending Monday, May 2, (spring s...
Student email accounts | UAF news and information
All students are assigned a university email account. You can use another email address, but you must set up a forward from your UA account.
Working from home | UAF news and information
Things are changing everyday as COVID-19 becomes a community transmitted virus around the country. I wanted to reiterate the importance of employee safety on campus and off campus.
UA email or preferred email? | UAF news and information
Please take the following steps so you don't miss any important messages from your instructors or the university, some of which require action on your part.