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About Us | Mysite
Freedom of Belief As Disciples, we are called around one essential of faith: a belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Persons are free to follow their own consciences, guided by the Bible, the Ho...
Sermons | Mysite
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Staff | Mysite
Rev. Tyler Araki Senior Minister Tyler was born in Oregon, and moved to Texas when he was young. He attended TCU and graduated with a BS in Economics. While attending TCU, he discerned a call to minis...
New Here? | Mysite
New Here? Thinking about worshiping with New Hope on Sunday? Unsure of what to expect? Here are a few things you can count on Sunday while you are here... Casual Atmosphere Don't feel like you need...
Give Online | Mysite
DONATE Why Give? We rely on the generosity of our church friends and family to help us maintain our facilities, serve our community, and operate our outreach programs. Why Give Online? It’s easy! Wh...
Outreach | Mysite
Prayer Shawl Ministry | A group of caring people who get together for fellowship and knitting or crocheting shawls, scarves, hats and baby hats. Items are blessed by the minister and the congregation ...