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Topics | National Center for Science Education
AFA/academic freedom act Analysis Anti-evolution Incidents Anti-evolution Anti-science Education Strategy Attack on science education Breaking Down Barriers Climate Change 101 Climate change denial Cl...
Coronavirus | National Center for Science Education
How quickly we forget. When the coronavirus pandemic started, public health experts warned that vaccines were unlikely to become available for years. Having vaccines within 18 months was considered a ...
About | National Center for Science Education
NCSE works with teachers, parents, scientists, and concerned citizens at the local, state, and national levels to ensure that topics including evolution and climate change are taught accurately, hones...
Science is a Way of Knowing | National Center for Science Education
NGSS Standards Science and Engineering Practices Asking questions and defining problems Analyzing and interpreting data Engaging in argument from evidence
Overview | National Center for Science Education
Investigating Science Education aims to produce high-quality research relevant to understanding, maintaining, and improving science education, especially with regard to socially but not scientifically...
Welcome! | National Center for Science Education
Welcome to the new edition of our website, featuring news, information, and commentary about all aspects of the creationism/evolution controversy. We hope you will find our resources valuable and inte...