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Popular pages
Curriculum - North Carolinians for Home Education
As a homeschooler, there are many curriculum options to choose from. On this page North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE) hopes to help you in your search.
About NCHE - North Carolinians for Home Education
NCHE was founded in 1984 in order to secure the right to educate their children at home and provide community among NC homeschoolers.
Creating Your Homeschool Student’s Academic Transcript
A high school transcript is a basically a list of courses your student has taken and the credit and grade associated with each course. It should include final course grades as well as final grade poin...
Understanding Achievement Test Scores - North Carolinians for Home Education
Understanding Achievement Test Scores 14 May 2014 Once you have chosen an achievement test and administered it, the final step of the annual process is interpreting the score report. I’m sure I’m not ...
Getting Started in Homeschooling in NC--First Steps
Getting started in homeschooling in NC--Deciding to homeschool doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We have 4 simple first steps to help you get started!
Explore Homeschooling, an Educational Alternative - North Carolinians for Home Education
Explore Homeschooling, an Educational Alternative There exists today an institutional crisis in America, and this crisis is nowhere more evident than when examining attitudes toward schools. Students,...