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Navsari's Economy and Industry Profile | Navsari
1. Textiles, diamond business, sugar industry, agro & food processing, paper, engineering and chemicals are some of the key business sectors in Navsari. 2.The
General Information | Navsari
The Gujarat government under the aegis of Mr. Narendra Modi have developed a system known as SWAGAT (State Wide Attention on Grievances with Application of Technology). This system enables residents o...
Navsari Tourism | Navsari
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Navsari News | Navsari
Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) researchers have successfully developed a technology to economically extract mango oil from the seed. Mango oil in used in cosmetics. The process involves adding ...
Twin Cities - Surat and Navsari | Navsari
Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi has unveiled his ambitious plans to to create twin cities on lines of New York and New Jersey in Gujarat. These
NAU Innovates Mango Kernel Oil Extraction Technology | Navsari
Navsari Agricultural University develop an innovative technology to manufacture Mango oil from its kernel.