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Race Cube – Nathan Gibbs
Race Cube Race Cube (2003) remodels the classic Rubik’s Cube with a racial twist. Rather than the abstract color separation of the original, the Race Cube poses a more concrete challenge: aligning im...
Art Projects – Nathan Gibbs
Race Cube poses a more concrete challenge: aligning images of people into categories based on race. Race Cube challenges racial perception and the fundamental assumption that distinct rac...
Color Studies Exhibition – Nathan Gibbs
Events that inspired these works As a person of both Latino and Anglo heritage, defining my race has always been problematic. My ancestry is the result of immigration, both documented and undocumented...
Resume – Nathan Gibbs
August 2004 – Present KPBS, San Diego, California Managed web products such as the live radio stream, mobile media, on-demand newscasts, video podcasts, and blogs. Played a key role in the successful ...
Self-Portrait – Nathan Gibbs
Self-Portrait Self-Portrait (2002) questions purity, identity and identification, consumer culture, as well as the use of skin color as racial signifier in the United States. The work displays Ralph L...
Profile – Nathan Gibbs
Web Professional As a web producer and media specialist at KPBS, I manage web products such as the live radio stream, mobile media, on-demand newscasts, video podcasts, and blogs. I played a key role ...