Welcome to Myplan.ie, a free and easy to use public information system about the development plan or local area plan in your local area.
National Planning Application Map Viewer - My Plan
National Planning Application Map Viewer
The National Planning Application Map contains data on all planning applications received in the past ten years.
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What is Myplan.ie?
Myplan.ie is a web map portal providing spatial information relevant to the statutory planning system in Ireland. It is an initiative of the Department of Housing, Local Govern...
News Archives - My Plan
The Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No. 3) Regulations 2022 and the supporting Planning and Development (Solar Safeguarding Zone) Regulations 2022 which are now in effect, co...
OPW Flood Mapping - My Plan
OPW Flood Mapping
CFRAM and ICPSS Flood Maps
The CFRAM Flood Maps available on this website were produced through the Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Programme and through othe...
Accessibility - My Plan
MyPlan.ie Website
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is the Government Department responsible for housing and water, for physical and spatial planning, for local go...