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My Castle of Quiet
Cinema, Music, and the Sorrows and Joys of Everyday Life<br> The Final Ascension of Wm. M. Berger<br>
My Castle of Quiet: finally
Sometimes, often, it just comes down to this—whatever nightmares you've endured, and whatever horrors you've perpetrated—a dead guy and h...
My Castle of Quiet: January 2016
I notice more and more the emphasis people place on happiness. Of course, it's the jewel in the forehead of the idol of human existence, the only thing that really matters once all the achievements, s...
My Castle of Quiet: February 2017
This week's horrorcast™ traversed a well-heeled, familiar Castle cascade of soundtracky>grind>punk>black>heady electronics, the 3-hour mixtape approached flawlessness (and I'm my own harshest critic)...
My Castle of Quiet: 2015
When I reflect upon my experience with a film (and let's be honest, a great many films are not even worth reflecting on), I fall back to these three simple criteria: 1. What did this movie set out to ...
My Castle of Quiet: A summary.
Lightest playlist comments ever! No discourse to speak of last night, but my main discourse is with myself anyway, so, not only am I my ...