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Data & Documentation | MOST Public Data Sharing
A) Longitudinal Radiograph Assessments Semi-quantitative scoring of radiographs, including Kellgren and Lawrence grades, OARSI joint space narrowing, osteophyte grades, and features of patello-femoral...
Steps to Obtaining Data and Images | MOST Public Data Sharing
IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of Friday, February 26, 2021, MOST Online will no longer accept requests for MOST Public Use Limited Datasets and/or Images, due to the end of funding and closeout of MOST. In o...
About MOST | MOST Public Data Sharing
Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study Overview and Objectives Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and the major cause of activity limitation and physical disability in older people. Mo...
Publications | MOST Public Data Sharing
The following are searches on for publications associated with the MOST grant numbers:
Summary of Data and Images | MOST Public Data Sharing
Summary of Data and Images Clinical Data 72-month Telephone Interview (N=2715 participants) 60-month Telephone Interview and Clinic Visit (N=2768 participants) 30-month Telephone Interview and Clinic ...
Contact | MOST Public Data Sharing
Contact MOST public use data sets are available through the NIA Aging Research Biobank, a web-based platform for sharing biospecimens and data with investigators in the research community. If you are ...