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Home - Mivar-Viva
We manufacture bedding for custom order in any demand
About - Mivar-Viva
We have developed a strong production line Mivar-Viva Ltd has four quilting lines, whereas two lines are multi-needle new quilting machines Meca techna width 95´´, and two 115´´. In those quilting mac...
Mivar Viva
Ettevõttest AS Mivar-Viva on eraaktsiaselts, mis asutati 1993. aastal. Ettevõtte eelkäijateks on AS Mistra-Viva ja Viljandi Linavabrik – viimase ajalugu algab aastast 1912. AS Mivar-Viva põhitegevusek...
Contacts - Mivar-Viva
Mivar-Viva AS osalemine välismessil Heimtextil 7.01-10.01.2020, Frankfurdis Saksamaal. Projekt sai tuge Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist suuruses 25840 EUR. Projekti eesmärk on uuendada olemasolevaid j...
Mattresses Archives - Mivar-Viva
Mattress-protector We produce mattress-protectors with different sizes and wide range of stitching patterns (minimum filling weight 100g/m²). For face fabric we mainly use white 100% cotton or mix of ...
Sets Archives - Mivar-Viva
Sets of quilts and pillows According to client specification we produce a wide range of quilts and pillows with a different stitching patterns to match as set. The cover fabric as well the filling we ...