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Global Goals for sustainable development | Miracle Foundation
Miracle Foundation embraces the Strategic Development Goals, focusing on poverty, educaiton, gender equality, child safety and more.
Our Work | International Charitable Organizations
Every child has the right to grow up in a family, and we know how to make this happen. From instituional care to family-based care, come see how we do it.
About Us | Charity Helping Vulnerable Children
Want to know more about Miracle Foundation? Since 2000 we've been helping children reach their full potential. Come be a part of our story.
Our Work | International Charitable Organizations
The Problem 150 million orphans and 5.4 million children living in orphanages worldwide. Children are often separated from their families and live in institutions or on the streets. The most startlin...
Videos | A closer look at Miracle Foundation's Work
Miracle Foundation is a global leader in the care and protection of vulnerable children. But seeing is believing. Watch a video and learn more.
Resources | Miracle Foundation
Miracle Foundation's Resource Library includes Life Skills Education, Positve Parenting, and our Case Management Toolkit. All free when you register.