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Meredith Sue Willis Author and Teacher
Jami Attenberg on autobiography & fiction: "Nonfiction, while more 'true' than fiction, is bound by limitations in part because of its responsibility to that sametruth. You can know onl...
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Send MSW an email at explaining why you would like to take the class. You will receive an address for sending a check--or you may pay by PayPal or Venmo. The PayPal and Ve...
Meredith Sue Willis biography
Who is Meredith Sue Willis? Meredith Sue Willis is a writer and teacher and enthusiastic reader. Born and raised in West Virginia, she is a proud member of the Appalachian Renaissance with deep roots ...
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What's On This Site? Saving Tyler Hake - - Bringing MSW to your school or writing group Review of MSW E-books! (To buy any of these books as e-books, click on the image. They are also a...
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Print-On-Demand; Self-Publishing; Hybrid Publishing Self-Publishing has always been a respectable option for writers who can't find a satisfactory commercial publ...