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Medical Conference Blog
<i>An opinionated, occasionally cranky, occasionally snarky blog on medical meetings from the viewpoint of a medical journalist.</i>
Medical Conference Blog: How to Find Medical Conferences
It would be nice if there were a comprehensive database of all upcoming medical conferences. An ideal medical-conference database would be e...
Medical Conference Blog: The Best Unheralded Medical Meeting
As I’ve said before, journalists are pack animals. A small group of medical meetings each attracts hundreds of reporters, because they’re re...
Medical Conference Blog: Why I Love Poster Sessions
When I was a graduate student, back in the Pleistocene, there was always a lot of excitement around our specialty's annual convention. The g...
Medical Conference Blog: Why So Few News Releases at Medical Meetings?
When covering medical meetings became a routine part of my job, I was surprised at how few news releases I found in the press rooms. Sure, ...
Medical Conference Blog: April 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 Today I'm one of the dozens of journalists covering the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) meeting in Los Angeles. This is a terrific meeting, with lots of interes...