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Popular pages
How to leave medicine
Junior doctors are not alone in wanting to leave medicine. Consultants and GPs contact us too.
Career crisis
There are many scenarios that would constitute a career crisis. Some are predictable - others come "left field". Many of those in the middle of a career crisis will start to look at or perhaps just...
New web site
It is a hard job and its down to me to do it. Why? Because having worked with many web companies in the past - I find that I like to create it as I go along. So this is the result. It is a bit like...
About us
A fertile system for idea generation - if you need to see more options A confidential place to air concerns and dreams - so that you can explore.... unjudged Novel approaches to career...
How to leave medicine
How to remain in medicine The balance has changed since we started in 1990 when the options for changing career if one needed to for any reason - were only just emerging. Nowadays the challenge is no...
career planning support for doctors and dentists
Doctors, dentists and other health care professionals all need to do regular career planning - and sometimes this needs objective independent in put.