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McNamee & Kilpatrick
McNamee Plumbing and Heating and Kilpatrick Home Services is a family owned business providing plumbing and heating services for more than 40 years.
Furnaces — McNamee & Kilpatrick
Furnaces The lifespan of a high quality furnace can be up to fifteen, maybe even twenty years, depending on the care you give it over the years. If your existing furnace shows serious signs of fatigue...
Air Conditioners — McNamee & Kilpatrick
Central air conditioners work with the supply and return air ducts already installed in your home to circulate cooled air. The latest air conditioners from York™ use up to 50% less energy than units...
Heating: Heat Pumps — McNamee & Kilpatrick
Heat Pumps Among the various heating and air conditioning systems available on the market, heat pumps are an increasingly popular choice, and for good reasons. Besides bringing you comfort, season aft...
About us — McNamee & Kilpatrick
About Us McNamee Plumbing and Heating and Kilpatrick Home Services is a family operated company that was incorporated in 1972. The company attained great success in focusing on residential and small c...
Energy Recovery Ventilator — McNamee & Kilpatrick
Why choose an ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator) An energy recovery ventilator system (ERV) fits colder climates, in homes where there is no excess moisture in heating season, as well as for homes locat...