MASHCO is a holding company with various business units specializing in fields such as Construction, Engineering and Oil Services, Energy and Industrial Services, Building Materials, Mechanical, Medic...
MASHCO is hiring the following jobs: General Manage - Steel Plant, Chief Accountant, Sales Manager, Head-Internal Auditor, Head-Information Technology, Training Coordinator, Executive Secretary, Recru...
Where it all began…
Where it all began…
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First and foremost, we offer our thanks and gratitude to the Government of this great country for their protection and freedom of the national...
Our Goals
Our Goals
With commitment and professionalism, our goals are met.
Sincerity towards work is vital to be able to attain business objectives.
We aim to grow all of our companies to reach a position of l...
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AL SAFA HOMES COMPOUND is a luxurious 32 villas located in Rakah area that provides fully furnished or non furnish apartment at tenant’s ...
Project Build Co. (PBC) that contributes to building construction and urban development in the Kingdom.
Keeping pace with global development based on positive outlook in the implementation...